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Ask the Doc: Why are my testicles sore?

"Why are my testicles sore?" is the question we are answering on this week's Ask the Doc. Learn about some of the common causes of testicular pain as well as some of the treatments.

Posted in News

Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is when you have trouble controlling when you orgasm, and you ejaculate at a time that you or your partner feel is too fast or too early. This can cause relationship problems, anxiety and distress. While this can be an unpleasant condition, it’s highly common, and can usually be treated.

Posted in Men's health

The road to fatherhood

The path to fatherhood can be a short and smooth one, or it can be a long and windy journey with bumps along the way. Whatever’s in store for you and your partner, the most important things to remember are: stay healthy, stay positive and stay informed.

Posted in News