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Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a condition that causes abnormal cells to develop within the prostate gland. Often, prostate cancer cells grow very slowly. They might not cause problems or symptoms, or become life threatening; most men with low grade prostate cancer live for many years without it spreading or becoming serious. Less commonly, the cancer cells grow quickly and can spread to other parts of the body, which can be fatal. Being diagnosed with prostate cancer can be a confronting and upsetting experience, but there are treatment options.

Posted in Men's health

7 things for dads-to-be to think about before having a baby

1 in 5 Australian men are fathers. That’s 5 million men who have been on the journey to parenthood ahead you! If you’re thinking about having a baby, there may be lots of different things running through your mind. You might be feeling excited about the prospect of welcoming a new member to the family, or you may feel nervous, thinking about your financial future or how your relationship with your partner may change. From the get-go, it’s important to know that there is no rule book on how you should feel when you’re thinking about becoming a dad, but there are practical things you can start thinking about before taking this big step.

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Talking about prostate cancer and masculinity

Ian Stephens is a 62-year-old nurse, who is married with two adult children. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2013. From worrying about incontinence, to experiencing erectile dysfunction, he talks candidly about life after prostate cancer treatment.

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For health professionals: Nursing care for male urinary issues

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are common among Australian men. Fewer than 20% of men aged under 45 years’ experience LUTS. Almost half of all men aged 65–79 years, and 70% of men aged 80 years or over, have LUTS. Many men endure LUTS in stoic silence due to feelings of embarrassment or shame, and ultimately present with complications including urinary retention, poor quality of life, mental health and relationship problems, or even advanced prostate cancer.

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Don’t let a wee problem turn into a big deal

Leaky pipes and blocked drains aren’t just a concern of plumbers. Lots of men develop problems with the waterworks as they get older, but these are not an inevitable consequence of ageing. There are lots of signs that things aren’t working quite right. Knowing what these symptoms are, what they mean and how to deal with them can help keep everything under control.

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