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Keeping fit

A healthy diet and physical activity can help prevent heart disease, diabetes and some reproductive health problems, and can reduce the risk of some cancers. Research shows links between heart health and male reproductive health, including erectile dysfunction. Physical activity may help prevent prostate problems. Being overweight makes men more likely to have low testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction, and an increased chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

Posted in Men's health

Environmental chemicals impact the reproductive health of young men

Concern about chemicals in the environment is growing with new evidence showing that exposure can disrupt hormones that control the reproductive system impacting egg/sperm quality, pregnancy success, foetal development and newborn health. A recent study found that young men with higher levels of exposure to a group of common environmental chemicals called PFCs had a significant reduction in sperm quality and alterations in reproductive hormone levels compared to men who had low-level PFC exposure.

Posted in News

Klinefelter syndrome

Klinefelter Syndrome, also known as 47,XXY, is a common, but under-diagnosed, genetic condition. It’s congenital, which means you’re born with it. It is the most common cause of hypogonadism which stops your body from producing sperm and testosterone (male sex hormone). Small testicles after puberty are a strong indication and there are other symptoms which sometimes occur. Treatment is lifelong testosterone therapy.

Posted in Men's health